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California PI # 25241
The Facts:
The facts about marital infidelity (sexual unfaithfulness to a spouse) are astounding. Polls show that although 90% of married people disapprove of extramarital relationships, statistics from a national survey indicate that 15% of wives and 25% of husbands have experienced extramarital intercourse. These numbers increase by 20% when emotional affairs and sexual relationships without intercourse are included. Another source, The Monogamy Myth, authored by Peggy Vaughan, approximates that 60% of husbands and 40% of wives will have an affair at some time in their marriage.
Infidelity is likely to be one of the most painful and devastating things that can happen to you. The embarrassment, fear and betrayal can be overwhelming. Worse yet is not knowing if your spouse or partner is cheating on you. Even the prospect of a husband, wife or partner being unfaithful is painful and extremely disruptive to your life. We at Luis Orellana Investigations are committed to provide our clients with the necessary evidence to prove or disprove infidelity.
We at Luis Orellana Investigations take each client's privacy with the highest degree of confidentiality. We understand that the need to hire a private investigator and discuss your spouse or partner's infidelity is a very difficult thing to do, but it is important for you to realize that you did not create this situation and no one is judging you. With that perspective in mind, you have our assurance that all of our investigators are committed to using the utmost discretion and good taste in providing you with a quality investigation that is designed to give you the peace of mind you will need to move forward with your life and to maintain your dignity.
10 Signs of Cheating Spouse/Partner:
1. They Are Preoccupied - Have No Time.
Suddenly they seem preoccupied, and they have no time. They will either give some weak excuse or blame something for their sudden preoccupation type behavior.
2. On the Internet Often.
Now days the internet is the perfect place for spouse/partners to cheat with. From chat rooms, to social network sites, and all kinds of message boards, if your spouse/partner is online more than often then it could be sign.
3. Their Cell Phone is Suddenly Set to Vibrate or They Sleep with it.
Your spouse/partner suddenly sets their cell phone to vibrate, it often means they want to be discreet about their incoming calls. Also they may sleep with their cell phone in order to hide any text meassages or phone calls that they may receive.
4. Appearance is Poor.
One of the top 10 signs of cheating spouse has to do with appearance. Or lack of. Often times they will groom themselves up for cheating, and then let themselves go when they are around you. If you find they are always "letting themselves go" appearance wise, then this may be a sign.
5. Out with the Guys/Out with the Girls.
All of a sudden they are "going out with they guys or the girls". This is an obvious cover for cheating.
6. Obsessive about Washing their Clothes.
All of a sudden they are washing their clothes much more often than usual. They may want to cover their tracks and not raise suspicion about clothes which may have perfume, lipstick/makeup, cologne, or alcohol on them.
7. Loss of Appetite.
They suddenly are no longer that hungry maybe because they went out to eat with someone else.
8. Before and After Appearance.
Their appearance before they go out and after when they come home. Are their clothes put on a bit different? Is there hair disheveled? Makeup missing?
9. Not Feeling Well.
Are they suddenly not feeling well, like all of the time in order to get out of previous plans they made with you.
10. Computer Cautious.
They are suddenly computer cautious, as in they are making sure to close out all the internet windows, log out of their email, and even erase the "internet history".
Although infidelity surveillance by a private investigator is one of the most frequently used tools for uncovering infidelity, each set of circumstances can call for different measures.
Some of the other more commonly requested services we provide when investigating infidelity that can be done in conjunction with a cheating spouse/partner's surveillance investigation include the following:
- Tracking the Spouse/Partner's Vehicle
- Mobile and Stationary Surveillance
- Photography
- Video Surveillance
- Assets Searches in California and Beyond
Because each case is unique, we ask that you give us a call and speak to one of our private investigators about your particular situation so that we may assess which type of investigation will work best for you.
Call Luis Orellana Investigations now and the consultation with a private investigator is strictly confidential. Get the piece of mind you deserve and the ability to move forward with your life.